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POC: Caitlin.M.Tibbetts  

PURPOSE: This course teaches methods and techniques for maintenance and rehabilitation of flexible, rigid, and unsurfaced pavements.

DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on practical and effective maintenance and repair methods and techniques. The course is composed of lectures, videos, handout materials, and field demonstrations. Maintenance and rehabilitation topics of both flexible and rigid pavements covered include repair techniques, material properties and mix design, surface maintenance options, joint and crack sealants, recycling, production, placement, compaction, and case studies. Additionally, a background in lab tests and field identification of soils and bases materials, maintenance and repair of drainage structures, dust control, and gravel roads will be provided.

PREREQUISITES: Nominees must be assigned to an activity with responsibility for maintenance, repair, and improvements of installation facilities (e.g., Army facilities engineer, Air Force base civil engineer) or Corps of Engineers field operations and maintenance activities. This course is designed for maintenance personnel and interested technical staff.


POC: Victor Garcia  

PURPOSE: This course teaches method and techniques for the evaluation and design of flexible, rigid, and unsurfaced pavements.

DESCRIPTION: Through lectures, laboratory tours, field exercises, and discussions, this course covers the general concepts in pavement evaluation and design, selection of pavement system, design procedures, and computer applications. Specific topics include identification of surface deficiencies, PAVER, pavement management systems, field tests of soil, bases, and asphalt layers, rigid, flexible, and unsurfaced pavement design, overlay design, surface and subsurface drainage, and an overview of PCASE. Students are encouraged, but not required, to bring a laptop so that the PAVER/PCASE software can be installed and used during the course.

PREREQUISITES: Student should have a current or projected assignment as a design or construction engineer or be a senior technician responsible for pavement evaluation, maintenance, rehabilitation, or construction.

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