Additional Contacts
For questions relating to the design, constrution and inspection of fire protection
for hangars contact the
Technical Center of Expertise (TCX) for Hangar Fire Protection.
For questions relating to the design and inspection of bridges contact the
Virtual Bridge Team.
For information relating to the design and construction of fueling systems contact
For information relating to the design and construction or roller compacted concrete
(RCC) pavements and dams contact the RCC-DX.
Planning & Design
TSC provides technical support (on-site, e-mail, telephonic) for the planning, design
and construction of airfields, railroads, and roadways.
For questions relating to planning and design of airfields (thickness design, geometrics,
air space, etc.) contact:
For question relating to the planning, design and construction of airfield lighting
and NAVAIDS projects contact:
For questions relating to planning and design of railroads and roadways contact:
For questions relating to the PAVER Pavement Management System contact:
Airfield Suitability Studies
TSC provides on-site specialized consulting services related to siting new runways,
taxiways and aprons; runway realignment, runway extensions; airfield upgrades, airfield
obstruction, etc.
Construction Support
TSC provides a variety of specialized on-site construction support services for
airfield and roadway pavement to include:
- A-E on-site construction support
- Concrete uniformity testing
- Joint sawing and sealing operations
- On-the-job training for QA personnel
- HMA job mix formula (JMF) review and adjustment
- PCC/HMA plant inspections
- PCC mix design review and adjustment
- PCC/HMA test sections
- Post-Award Airfield Paving Kick-Off Meeting
- PCC/HMA Post-Award Airfield Paving Kick-Off Meetingpaving operations
- Preparatory inspections
- Trouble-shooting paving problems
For more information contact:
Typical submittal reviews include:
- Proposed paving equipment
- Proposed paving techniques
- PCC mix designs
- HMA Job Mix Formula (JMF)
- Certified test results of paving materials
- Certifications/qualifications of personnel
Construction Submittal Reviews
TSC provides technical review of construction submittals for airfield, railroad
and roadway projects.
For more information contact: