Welcome to PCASE

Pavement-Transportation Computer Assisted Structural Engineering (PCASE) develops and provides computer programs for use in the design and evaluation of transportation systems (airfields, roads, and railroads).

PCASE is supported by the Tri-Services (Army, Air Force, and Navy) and is based on current Tri-Service Criteria.

The current version of PCASE as well as other Transportation related software tools are available on the Software Page.

Approval to Operate (ATO): Current federal regulations require all major applications and general support systems to be certified as being compliant with information technology security requirements so that information resources and data are protected adequately. PCASE has been approved for use by the Services through their respective approval processes.

Army and US Army Corps of Engineers: PCASE is approved for use through the Risk Management Framework Assess Only Process. Approval information is available in eMASS
POC is Mr. Matthew Bennett, Matthew.D.Bennett@usace.army.mil

Air Force: PCASE is on the Approved Software list
POC is Dr. Barry Mines, barry.mines.2@us.af.mil

Navy: PCASE is in the NAVY Approved Software portfolio
POC is Mr. Marshall Davis, marshall.b.davis@navy.mil